Behind the Scenes

Cedros Hotel, Food, and More

A small operation with a lot of moving parts

Flight to Cedros © Cedros Fishing and Diving

A Hop, Skip, and a Flight Away

Arrive to Cedros Island by plane or by boat.  The flight is 1 hour and 40 minutes long from Ensenada, while it’s only a short 30-minute flight from Guerrero Negro.  If you are arriving from Punta Eugenia, the boat ride will take 50 minutes.

Traditional Mexican Food

Meals are prepared and served in the dining salon of your Cedro hotel except on fishing days, when your lunch is packed and brought onboard your skiff.  The dishes are usually plated, but we hope you don’t leave the island without experiencing a local carne asada!

We can adjust our menu to accommodate special dietary restrictions.

gearing up at Cedros Fishing and Diving

Our Base of Operations

Cedros Fishing and Diving is conveniently sharing space with Hotel El Chavito up on a hill on Cedros Island.  This is where all the action happens, from setting up your gear to enjoying the vista after a siesta.

Cedros Hotel El Chavito

Sleep like a baby at night in your simple, yet comfortable hotel room on Cedros Island.  What else do you need aside from a television, air-conditioning, and free wi-fi on an island in the Pacific Baja!

We clean the hotel rooms everyday and we offer a free laundry service on-site.

Cedros hotel room copyrighted
Cedros Hotel pangas

Customized for Comfort

With a 4-person limit, there is ample room in our spacious pangas, which were built specially for sport fishing and diving.  Each one is 26 feet long x 8.5 feet wide and is fully equipped with all the necessities, including a live bait well, sound system, charging station, and a ladder.

At Your Service

We mobilize various modes of transport, from private passenger vans and service vehicles to panga shuttles with our partners at Servicio de Pasaje Marina, in order to successfully execute your trip.  The Cedros Fishing and Diving team as well as your Cedros hotel staff work hand-in-hand to ensure that you have a wonderful time with us.

We look forward to seeing you soon!